Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tiffany's Personal Spice Blend

According to the recommendations from my Ayurvedic Consultation, it was necessary for me to use a churna to help my digestion. A churna is a blend of spices that aids in digestion. Specific culinary herbs are used, each on has its own therapeutic properties and all of them help digestion and assimilation.

Whenever I make a churna for one of my Ayurvedic clients, I encourage them to take it with them whenever they go out to eat or if they happen to eat some place that may not have foods that are appropriate for their body type. For example, if you've been invited to your Grandmother's house for dinner and find that she's made a lovely meal that does not fall in line with your Ayurvedic diet. It may not be appropriate to say, "Gee, Grandma, thanks for the meal, but I really can't eat any of this because your food is not right for my body type." Maybe you're son's soccer team has a pizza party and you know your stomach is going to hate you for indulging. It's OK. All is not lost. Simply sprinkle your churna on those questionable items and you'll find your digestive system thanking you for it later.

Obviously my churna was custom blended for my body type and current imbalance. Below is a list of culinary herbs in my churna as well as the therapeutic properties that make them appropriate for me.

Allspice – digestive stimulant
Asafetida – flatulence, nervousness
Basil – sinuses, colds
Black Pepper – stimulates circulation, memory
Cayenne Pepper – colds/ flus, constipation
Cardamom – cough, colds
Cloves – sinuses, colds
Curry – digestive aid
Fennel – muscle spasms, detoxifier
Ginger – colds/flu
Nutmeg – cough
Rosemary – joint paid, dispels phlegm
Sage – dries up mucous in nose and lungs
Salt – clears mucous from stomach
Tarragon – menstral irregularity
Thyme – menstral cramps, respiratory conditions
Turmeric – anti-inflammatory, natural antibiotic

If you're having digestive issues, consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner who can help you determine which culinary herbs are appropriate for you.

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