Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 4 - The Colon Cleanse

The moment we’ve all been waiting for, the day of the colon cleanse.

Well, I only did about 20 minutes of yoga this morning to give myself plenty of time to get to my appointment for colon hydrotherapy. I was happy to note that I had a productive poo this morning thanks to the five capsules of triphala I took last night. It’s always good to prepare the colon before a cleanse. Triphala helps to break up toxins stuck on the walls of the colon making it easier for them to slide right off.

I arrived at my appointment psyched and ready for action. I set an intention for an efficient cleansing with minimal discomfort. The colon hydro therapist asked me several questions about my current state of health. He wanted to know what my diet looked like, when my last colonic was, if I exercised, how often I have a bowel movement and so on. I explained to him that I had been sick in recent weeks with a respiratory thing complete with cough and congestion and that it had been a year since my last colon cleanse.

He informed me that it’s best to get a colon cleanse every three months, when the seasons change. That made total sense to me because it mirrored Ayruvedic philosophy that also suggests cleanses during seasonal changes. Before I knew it I had a tube up my bum and water streaming into my colon. It was a little uncomfortable so I just tried to breath and relax and imagine how good I was going to feel when it was over.

Alain Menard, my colon hydro therapist was a wealth of information during my treatment. He’s been doing this for nearly 30 years and explained to me that colon hydrotherapy is actually a cure for HIV/AIDS. He had offered to speak at an HIV clinic in Sarasota but unfortunately the doctors were uninterested in what he had to offer. It seems HIV/AIDS, like Cancer, is big business. They wouldn’t want their patients to know that Mr. Menard had the pleasure of curing one of his clients from AIDS in just one treatment that cost the man only $50.

Alain also cured a client of his from ovarian and breast cancer in just five treatments. No chemo, no radiation, no surgery. He explained that the body makes hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen plus water equals hydrogen peroxide – with that our bodies can fight off anything that poses a threat to our immune system. The more toxic build up we have in the body, the less oxygen we have and therefore, the less ability we have to keep ourselves disease free. Oxygen alkalinizes the body and disease can not live in an alkaline environment.

Apparently, Alain also does ozone implants. Since ozone is oxygen and can’t be patented. It’s something the doctors and pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of so it’s best to keep the masses uninformed so they can continue there business of “sick-care” rather than healthcare and make money off of our misery.

I appreciated Alain’s commentary for two reasons, it was extremely informative and it got my mind off of the tube that was up my butt and the pressure wash my large intestine was undergoing. He said the toxicity in the body is what makes us age. If our bodies are clean we don’t age as much. The body completely regenerates itself every five years. If that’s the case, why do we see ourselves looking older? Because our toxic load is putting years on our faces and bodies! Remove the toxins, reverse the aging process. I liked the sound of that. Forget plastic surgery – go get a colonic.

Alain noticed a lot of “stuff” was coming out during my cleanse. It was no secret why I had been sick for several weeks prior. He said there was a lot stuck at the beginning of my ascending colon, near my appendix. For females, this creates pressure around the ovaries. I started to understand why I was having severe cramps during my period with most of the pain being on the right side.

Alain also suggested that I consider doing a liver/gallbladder cleanse. It had been a few years since I did a gallbladder flush and he said twice a year is a good frequency for that type of cleanse. I just might have to incorporate that into this 30 days.

After about 50 minutes I was good to go. My abdominal cavity felt so relaxed and so happy I can’t wait to see how my energy level skyrockets after this experience. By the end of the treatment my body felt really good and really tired. It worked very hard for me and was ready for a nice meal and a nap.

Alain suggested that I come back for another colonic in a couple of weeks. Now that my colon is empty my body is free to dump all the toxins it’s been holding into it and I’ll be ready to get rid of them again. He said, I’d know when it was time and to give him a call and we can do it all again. Yippy!

All in all it was well worth the time and the $70 I spent to get the job done. My colon is squeaky clean. I feel like I have a fresh start. Tonight I’ll begin taking acidophilus tablets. When you have colon irrigation it strips the colon of the good bacteria as well as the bad. Acidophilus tablets bring the good bacteria back into the large intestine. I picked some up at the health food store and will be taking them between meals for the next few days.

I feel lighter. I feel cleaner. I feel younger. I feel glad it’s over. God bless those brave men and women we call Colon Hydro Therapists.

For more information or to purchase triphala supplements visit


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  5. I'm very interested in this information is have recently been diagnosed with hiv back in March. I am on triumeq bUT I would like to stop it and fix myself naturally. I will put my email here if anyone has any useful information. thank you
