Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 3 - My Body is Starting to Like Me Again

Day three began as usual with my herbal tea. I notice my morning tea ritual gives me the time I need to ground myself and begin my day gently as opposed to starting the day by running around like a chicken with its head cut off like I had been for months.

My first bowel movement of the morning found me having that beautiful feeling of relief I’ve been longing for. In recent months I just haven’t had that feeling. This new development is partly due to the triphala supplements I take before bed and partly because of the healthier diet I’ve been enjoying lately. My body is starting to like me again.

This morning’s yoga was divine. My husband, Chris and I did an hour of yoga together followed by meditation. We felt extremely relaxed afterwards. It was a wonderful way to start a Sunday morning. I can already feel my posture improving and even though I’ve only been back into it for a few days, I already notice a change in my strength and flexibility. Good stuff.

I made Kitchari for lunch, an Ayurvedic dish made of mung beans, rice and spices. Kitchari is used in Ayurvedic detox programs because it’s easily digestible and it binds to the toxins and moves them out of the body. My husband loved it so much he asked that we make it a regular staple of our diets. I saved him enough to take with him for his lunch tomorrow. His favorite thing about Ayurveda has always been the food. Can’t blame him, really.

Before lunch was ready I chopped up a bunch of veggies to make another batch of immune soup. Immune soup is something I came to love while I was going to school for Ayurveda. It’s got loads of immune boosting veggies and spices that are cooked in water on the stovetop and then pureed. It was the perfect complement with the left over kitchari for dinner. Yummy!

This evening I had a dance rehearsal. I dance with a production company called International Productions in Sarasota, FL. I noticed that the yoga made my body much more limber and the grounding foods and teas I consumed today helped me to feel strong and solid for the hour and a half of dancing that was required of me. I used to drive home from rehearsals feeling tired, depleted and a little frazzled. Not so, today. Since I’ve been building my body back up, I’m able to enjoy life with more strength and flexibility – physically and emotionally. I love this Ayurveda stuff. Makes me wonder why I had tortured my body with months of slacking previously. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk. I’m patting myself on the back for making the renewed commitment to my heath. And this is only day three!!

Tomorrow is colon cleanse day. I’m greatly looking forward to the results, but a little nervous about the actual event. Gotta do it. Stay tuned for Day Four.

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