Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 24 - Glorious Life Energy

Amazing! I woke up today and didn’t feel half dead. Prior to this 30 day journey of Ayurvedic healthy living there is no way I could have survived three consecutive nights of performing in dance shows without feeling like I was going to collapse. My body was a little tired today, but all in all I felt pretty darn good.

I waited to do my yoga until the evening to give my body the rest it needed in the morning hours. But can we just sit a moment and reflect on that?... After three nights of dancing I still felt the drive and the energy to do Rodney Yee’s Power Yoga Strength. That is really cool. I’m so proud of myself.

I took the time today to commune with nature, to eat delicious healthy food, to spend time with my doggies and my wonderful husband, to watch a movie, take a nap, to cook and enjoy my Sunday. I got some work done too. So after my marathon of dance shows I wasn’t dead to the world, I was actually functioning. It was glorious.

Oh, and I tried a new recipe from the “Eat, Taste, Heal” Cookbook. Baked Bananas with Orange and Cinnamon Sauce. So exquisitely yummy. Words can not describe how delicious it was. My taste buds were still celebrating even hours after eating it. Ah, the joys of Ayurveda.

For more information on Ayurveda visit

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